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Age verification - Age verification device - Altersprüfgerät - Jugendschutzgerät - Protection for children - Alterskontrolle - Dokumentenprüfer - Age checker - legal protection for children and young persons - Adult verification system - child safety - age verifier terminal. Sonnenstudio Solarium Personalausweis-Prüfung - ID-Checker prüft Personalausweis sowie Führerschein und Pass auf Echtheit und Geburtsdatumserkennung. 4U GmbH - Products ID Checker: Check4U3 Check4U2.
Convenience with Paymentautomation 4U.
Sonnenstudio, solarium, personalausweis, prüfung, personalausweisprüfung, personalausweisprüfer, id, checker, id-checker, prüft, personalausweis, führerschein, führerscheinprüfung, führerscheinprüfer, pass, passprüfung, passprüfer, echtheit, geburtsdatumserkennung, geburtsdatum, erkennen, prüfen, check.

Minori - Età di controllo - Concia - Età per Alkohool - corrispondenti Età di controllo - Menores - Control de la edad - Curtido - Edad para Alkohool - se pongan en venta Control de la edad - Protection de la jeunesse - Contrôle de l'âge - Bronzage - Âge pour Alkohool - adaptée Contrôle de l'âge - Minderåriga - Ålder kontroll - Garvning - Ålder för Alkohool - matchningsalternativ Ålder kontroll - Alaikäiset - Ikä valvonta - Parkitus - Ikä Alkohool - matching Ikä valvonta - Mindreårige - Alder kontroll - Alder for Alkohool - samsvarende Alder kontroll - Nieletni - Wiek kontroli Garbarstwo - Wiek dla Alkohool - pasuj?ce Wiek kontroli - Nezletilí - V?k kontroly - T?íselné - V?k pro Alkohool - vyhovující V?k kontroly - Minorii - Vârsta de control - Tanante - Vârsta pentru Alkohool - potrivire Vârsta de control - Kiskorúak - Életkor ellen?rzés - Korhatáráról Alkohool - egyezési Életkor ellen?rzés - Mindreårige - Alder kontrol - Garvning - Alder for Alkohool - matching Alder control - Minors - Leeftijd controle - Looien - Leeftijd voor Alkohool - matching Leeftijd controle.

Age verification - Age verification device - Altersprüfgerät - Jugendschutzgerät - Protection for children - Alterskontrolle - Dokumentenprüfer - Age checker - legal protection for children and young persons - Adult verification system - child safety - age verifier terminal. Sonnenstudio Solarium Personalausweis-Prüfung - ID-Checker prüft Personalausweis sowie Führerschein und Pass auf Echtheit und Geburtsdatumserkennung. 4U GmbH - Products ID Checker: Check4U3 Check4U2. Convenience with Paymentautomation 4U. Sonnenstudio, solarium, personalausweis, prüfung, personalausweisprüfung, personalausweisprüfer, id, checker, id-checker, prüft, personalausweis, führerschein, führerscheinprüfung, führerscheinprüfer, pass, passprüfung, passprüfer, echtheit, geburtsdatumserkennung, geburtsdatum, erkennen, prüfen, check. Check4U18: (D/L) Driver Licence + German ID and Passport + Check4U ID: D/L, German ID and Passport + Multi Acceptor: D/L, German ID and to accept Euro banknotes.
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Introduction of the Product

The product can be used as certifying equipment in such cases of cigarette vending machines, alcohol vending machines, restricted entrances and more, for this equipment certifies the age limits by comparing the present time with the decoded birth age, from the processes of scanning and recognizing the authenticity discrimination such from driver’s licenses, ID cards or passports.

It is basically formed by the categories of external appearances, indication, recognition and discrimination, and correspondence.

The discrimination part uses certain sensors(such as ultra violet rays, infrared rays, light sensors) to distinguish the authenticity acceptance standard, scans the birth dates using OCR methods, compares the present time with the birth date with recognized characters, and maintains its efficiency by counter measuring its efficiency of under certain environments (such as winter, summer, sun rays, dusts).

It can be up graded by using the IRDA correspondence part.

The main characteristics of this product are as the following:
1) The driving licenses, ID cards, passports certify the OCR method with its swiping method.
2) After the process of swiping, it makes the final decision of certification and authenticity discrimination.
3) Checks for its falsification using the ultra violet rays, infrared rays, light sensors, and CIS sensors.
4) Upgrades the program using IRDA correspondence.
5) PCB is water proof.
6) Contains certain environmental measures,

and more.


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